Uses of Interface

Packages that use Effect

Uses of Effect in org.newdawn.slick.font.effects

Subinterfaces of Effect in org.newdawn.slick.font.effects
 interface ConfigurableEffect
          An effect that has a number of configuration values.

Classes in org.newdawn.slick.font.effects that implement Effect
 class ColorEffect
          Makes glyphs a solid color.
 class FilterEffect
          Applys a BufferedImageOp filter to glyphs.
 class GradientEffect
          Paints glyphs with a gradient fill.
 class OutlineEffect
          Strokes glyphs with an outline.
 class OutlineWobbleEffect
          An effect that genrates a wobbly line around the outline of the text
 class OutlineZigzagEffect
          An effect to generate a uniformly zigzaging line around text
 class ShadowEffect
          An effect to generate soft shadows beneath text

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