Package org.newdawn.slick.util.pathfinding

A set of classes to provide configurable A* path finding on tilebased maps


Interface Summary
AStarHeuristic The description of a class providing a cost for a given tile based on a target location and entity being moved.
Mover A tagging interface for an object representing the entity in the game that is going to moving along the path.
PathFinder A description of an implementation that can find a path from one location on a tile map to another based on information provided by that tile map.
PathFindingContext The context describing the current path finding state
TileBasedMap The description for the data we're pathfinding over.

Class Summary
AStarPathFinder A path finder implementation that uses the AStar heuristic based algorithm to determine a path.
Path A path determined by some path finding algorithm.

Package org.newdawn.slick.util.pathfinding Description

A set of classes to provide configurable A* path finding on tilebased maps

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