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Slick2D is a simple set of tools wrapped around the LWJGL OpenGL binding for Java. It's aims are as follows:

  • Provide a simple 2D API
  • Make transition from Java2D to OpenGL easier
  • Enable distribution via WebStart without the complexity
  • Provide the tools required for most simple games out of the box
  • Extensible framework for flexibility
  • Mix and Match - you use what you want, nothing is enforced.
  • Help with rendering, sound, input, collision and anything else we can think of.

Here are some things we're explicitly not doing and why:

  • Abstracting the rendering method (i.e. Java2D or OpenGL). With the advent of LWJGL Applets, it's a waste of time and just makes things more complicated.
  • Take over your development - where would the fun be if the library just forced you to do everything it's way?
  • Fix everything - there will always be challenges in games development.
  • Move to 3D eventually.

Check out the Getting Started guide to start your journey into slick-smooth Java game development!