Uses of Class

Packages that use SlickException
org.newdawn.slick.gui Some extremely simple GUI elements which should be used where a game does not require a full GUI 
org.newdawn.slick.imageout Supports saving of slick images to various file types. 
org.newdawn.slick.opengl This package contains the nitty gritty image manipulation code for using OpenGL with standard image formats. 
org.newdawn.slick.particles The particle engine maintains a set of small sprites being controlled by emitters to give some special effect. 
org.newdawn.slick.state State based games allow the game to be broken down into the different activities the player may take part in, for instance menu, highscores, play and credits. 
org.newdawn.slick.svg Demo/Test SVG area. 
org.newdawn.slick.tests Tests for the facilities provided by the library. 
org.newdawn.slick.tests.states States for the StateBasedGameTest 
org.newdawn.slick.tests.xml Tests for the XML Parser and Object Tree Parser 
org.newdawn.slick.tiled Contains utilities for working with the TilED ( utility for creating tiled maps. 
org.newdawn.slick.util.xml Some utilities for reading XML using Java DOM and for mapping XML onto existing data models 

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick

Methods in org.newdawn.slick that throw SlickException
 void Image.destroy()
          Destroy the image and release any native resources.
 void BigImage.destroy()
          Destroy the image and release any native resources.
static void GameContainer.enableSharedContext()
          Enable shared OpenGL context.
protected  void AppGameContainer.gameLoop()
          Strategy for overloading game loop context handling
 Graphics Image.getGraphics()
          Get a graphics context that can be used to draw to this image
 Graphics BigImage.getGraphics()
          Not supported in BigImage
 void ScalableGame.init(GameContainer container)
 void Game.init(GameContainer container)
          Initialise the game.
abstract  void BasicGame.init(GameContainer container)
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.initApplet()
          Initiliase based on Applet init
 void Input.initControllers()
          Initialise the controllers system
protected  void GameContainer.initSystem()
          Initialise the system components, OpenGL and OpenAL.
 boolean UnicodeFont.loadGlyphs()
          Loads all queued glyphs to the backing textures.
 boolean UnicodeFont.loadGlyphs(int maxGlyphsToLoad)
          Loads up to the specified number of queued glyphs to the backing textures.
 void ScalableGame.recalculateScale()
          Recalculate the scale of the game
 void GameContainer.reinit()
          Renitialise the game and the context in which it's being rendered
 void AppGameContainer.reinit()
 void ScalableGame.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void Game.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          Render the game's screen here.
 void GameContainer.setAnimatedMouseCursor(java.lang.String ref, int x, int y, int width, int height, int[] cursorDelays)
          Get a cursor based on a image reference on the classpath.
 void AppGameContainer.setDisplayMode(int width, int height, boolean fullscreen)
          Set the display mode to be used
 void GameContainer.setFullscreen(boolean fullscreen)
          Indicate whether we want to be in fullscreen mode.
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.setFullscreen(boolean fullscreen)
 void AppGameContainer.setFullscreen(boolean fullscreen)
          Indicate whether we want to be in fullscreen mode.
abstract  void GameContainer.setIcon(java.lang.String ref)
          Set the icon to be displayed if possible in this type of container
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.setIcon(java.lang.String ref)
 void AppGameContainer.setIcon(java.lang.String ref)
abstract  void GameContainer.setIcons(java.lang.String[] refs)
          Set the icons to be used for this application.
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.setIcons(java.lang.String[] refs)
 void AppGameContainer.setIcons(java.lang.String[] refs)
abstract  void GameContainer.setMouseCursor(org.lwjgl.input.Cursor cursor, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor to be displayed - this is a hardware cursor and hence shouldn't have any impact on FPS.
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.setMouseCursor(org.lwjgl.input.Cursor cursor, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
 void AppGameContainer.setMouseCursor(org.lwjgl.input.Cursor cursor, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
abstract  void GameContainer.setMouseCursor(ImageData data, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor to be displayed - this is a hardware cursor and hence shouldn't have any impact on FPS.
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.setMouseCursor(ImageData data, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
 void AppGameContainer.setMouseCursor(ImageData data, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
abstract  void GameContainer.setMouseCursor(Image image, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor based on the contents of the image.
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.setMouseCursor(Image image, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor based on the contents of the image.
 void AppGameContainer.setMouseCursor(Image image, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
abstract  void GameContainer.setMouseCursor(java.lang.String ref, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor to be displayed - this is a hardware cursor and hence shouldn't have any impact on FPS.
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.setMouseCursor(java.lang.String ref, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
 void AppGameContainer.setMouseCursor(java.lang.String ref, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
protected  void AppGameContainer.setup()
          Setup the environment
 void CanvasGameContainer.start()
          Start the game container rendering
 void AppGameContainer.start()
          Start running the game
 void ScalableGame.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void Game.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
          Update the game logic here.
abstract  void BasicGame.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
protected  void GameContainer.updateAndRender(int delta)
          Update and render the game

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick that throw SlickException
AngelCodeFont(java.lang.String fntFile, Image image)
          Create a new font based on a font definition from AngelCode's tool and the font image generated from the tool.
AngelCodeFont(java.lang.String fntFile, Image image, boolean caching)
          Create a new font based on a font definition from AngelCode's tool and the font image generated from the tool.
AngelCodeFont(java.lang.String name, fntFile, imgFile)
          Create a new font based on a font definition from AngelCode's tool and the font image generated from the tool.
AngelCodeFont(java.lang.String name, fntFile, imgFile, boolean caching)
          Create a new font based on a font definition from AngelCode's tool and the font image generated from the tool.
AngelCodeFont(java.lang.String fntFile, java.lang.String imgFile)
          Create a new font based on a font definition from AngelCode's tool and the font image generated from the tool.
AngelCodeFont(java.lang.String fntFile, java.lang.String imgFile, boolean caching)
          Create a new font based on a font definition from AngelCode's tool and the font image generated from the tool.
AppGameContainer(Game game)
          Create a new container wrapping a game
AppGameContainer(Game game, int width, int height, boolean fullscreen)
          Create a new container wrapping a game
BigImage(java.lang.String ref)
          Create a new big image by loading it from the specified reference
BigImage(java.lang.String ref, int filter)
          Create a new big image by loading it from the specified reference
BigImage(java.lang.String ref, int filter, int tileSize)
          Create a new big image by loading it from the specified reference
CanvasGameContainer(Game game)
          Create a new panel
CanvasGameContainer(Game game, boolean shared)
          Create a new panel
Image( in, java.lang.String ref, boolean flipped)
          Create an image based on a file at the specified location
Image( in, java.lang.String ref, boolean flipped, int filter)
          Create an image based on a file at the specified location
Image(int width, int height)
          Create an empty image
Image(int width, int height, int f)
          Create an empty image
Image(java.lang.String ref)
          Create an image based on a file at the specified location
Image(java.lang.String ref, boolean flipped)
          Create an image based on a file at the specified location
Image(java.lang.String ref, boolean flipped, int filter)
          Create an image based on a file at the specified location
Image(java.lang.String ref, boolean flipped, int f, Color transparent)
          Create an image based on a file at the specified location
Image(java.lang.String ref, Color trans)
          Create an image based on a file at the specified location
Music( in, java.lang.String ref)
          Create and load a piece of music (either OGG or MOD/XM)
Music(java.lang.String ref)
          Create and load a piece of music (either OGG or MOD/XM)
Music(java.lang.String ref, boolean streamingHint)
          Create and load a piece of music (either OGG or MOD/XM)
Music( ref)
          Create and load a piece of music (either OGG or MOD/XM)
Music( url, boolean streamingHint)
          Create and load a piece of music (either OGG or MOD/XM)
PackedSpriteSheet(java.lang.String def)
          Create a new packed sprite sheet based on a ImagePacker definition file
PackedSpriteSheet(java.lang.String def, Color trans)
          Create a new packed sprite sheet based on a ImagePacker definition file
PackedSpriteSheet(java.lang.String def, int filter)
          Create a new packed sprite sheet based on a ImagePacker definition file
PackedSpriteSheet(java.lang.String def, int filter, Color trans)
          Create a new packed sprite sheet based on a ImagePacker definition file
SavedState(java.lang.String fileName)
          Create and Test to see if the app is running as webstart or local app and select the appropriate muffin type
Sound( in, java.lang.String ref)
          Create a new Sound
Sound(java.lang.String ref)
          Create a new Sound
Sound( url)
          Create a new Sound
SpriteSheet(java.lang.String name, ref, int tw, int th)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location
SpriteSheet(java.lang.String ref, int tw, int th)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location
SpriteSheet(java.lang.String ref, int tw, int th, Color col)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location
SpriteSheet(java.lang.String ref, int tw, int th, Color col, int spacing)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location
SpriteSheet(java.lang.String ref, int tw, int th, int spacing)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location
SpriteSheet( ref, int tw, int th)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location
UnicodeFont(java.awt.Font font, java.lang.String hieroFileRef)
          Creates a new UnicodeFont.
UnicodeFont(java.lang.String ttfFileRef, HieroSettings settings)
          Create a new unicode font based on a TTF file and a set of heiro configuration
UnicodeFont(java.lang.String ttfFileRef, int size, boolean bold, boolean italic)
          Create a new unicode font based on a TTF file alone
UnicodeFont(java.lang.String ttfFileRef, java.lang.String hieroFileRef)
          Create a new unicode font based on a TTF file
XMLPackedSheet(java.lang.String imageRef, java.lang.String xmlRef)
          Create a new XML packed sheet from the XML output by the slick tool

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.font

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.font that throw SlickException
 int GlyphPage.loadGlyphs(java.util.List glyphs, int maxGlyphsToLoad)
          Loads glyphs to the backing texture and sets the image on each loaded glyph.

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.font that throw SlickException
GlyphPage(UnicodeFont unicodeFont, int pageWidth, int pageHeight)
          Create a new page of glyphs
HieroSettings( in)
          Create a new set of configuration from a file
HieroSettings(java.lang.String hieroFileRef)
          Create a new set of configuration from a file

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.gui

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.gui that throw SlickException
 void BasicComponent.render(GUIContext container, Graphics g)
abstract  void AbstractComponent.render(GUIContext container, Graphics g)
          Render this component to the screen
 void GUIContext.setMouseCursor(org.lwjgl.input.Cursor cursor, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor to be displayed - this is a hardware cursor and hence shouldn't have any impact on FPS.
 void GUIContext.setMouseCursor(ImageData data, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor to be displayed - this is a hardware cursor and hence shouldn't have any impact on FPS.
 void GUIContext.setMouseCursor(java.lang.String ref, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor to be displayed - this is a hardware cursor and hence shouldn't have any impact on FPS.

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.imageout

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.imageout that throw SlickException
static ImageWriter ImageWriterFactory.getWriterForFormat(java.lang.String format)
          Get a Slick image writer for the given format
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String dest)
          Write an image out to a file on the local file system.
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String dest, boolean writeAlpha)
          Write an image out to a file on the local file system.
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String format, out)
          Write an image out to a specified output stream
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String format, out, boolean writeAlpha)
          Write an image out to a specified output stream
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String dest)
          Write an image out to a file on the local file system.
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String dest, boolean writeAlpha)
          Write an image out to a file on the local file system.

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.opengl

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.opengl that throw SlickException
          Cause this callable to perform it's GL operations (@see performGLOperations()).
          Cause this callable to perform it's GL operations (@see performGLOperations()).
protected abstract  void SlickCallable.performGLOperations()
          Perform the GL operations that this callable is intended to.
protected abstract  void SlickCallable.performGLOperations()
          Perform the GL operations that this callable is intended to.

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.opengl.pbuffer

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.opengl.pbuffer that throw SlickException
static Graphics GraphicsFactory.getGraphicsForImage(Image image)
          Get a graphics context for a particular image
static void GraphicsFactory.releaseGraphicsForImage(Image image)
          Release any graphics context that is assocaited with the given image

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.opengl.pbuffer that throw SlickException
FBOGraphics(Image image)
          Create a new graphics context around an FBO
PBufferGraphics(Image image)
          Create a new graphics context around a pbuffer
PBufferUniqueGraphics(Image image)
          Create a new graphics context around a pbuffer

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.particles

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.particles that throw SlickException
 ParticleSystem ParticleSystem.duplicate()
          Create a duplicate of this system.

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.state

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.state that throw SlickException
 void GameState.enter(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)
          Notification that we've entered this game state
 void BasicGameState.enter(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)
 void StateBasedGame.init(GameContainer container)
 void GameState.init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)
          Initialise the state.
abstract  void StateBasedGame.initStatesList(GameContainer container)
          Initialise the list of states making up this game
 void GameState.leave(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)
          Notification that we're leaving this game state
 void BasicGameState.leave(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)
protected  void StateBasedGame.postRenderState(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          User hook for rendering at the game level after the current state and/or transition have been rendered
protected  void StateBasedGame.postUpdateState(GameContainer container, int delta)
          User hook for rendering at the game level after the current state and/or transition have been updated
protected  void StateBasedGame.preRenderState(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          User hook for rendering at the before the current state and/or transition have been rendered
protected  void StateBasedGame.preUpdateState(GameContainer container, int delta)
          User hook for updating at the game before the current state and/or transition have been updated
 void StateBasedGame.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void GameState.render(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, Graphics g)
          Render this state to the game's graphics context
 void StateBasedGame.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void GameState.update(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, int delta)
          Update the state's logic based on the amount of time thats passed

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.state.transition

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.state.transition that throw SlickException
 void VerticalSplitTransition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void Transition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          Render the transition over the existing state rendering
 void SelectTransition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void RotateTransition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void HorizontalSplitTransition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void EmptyTransition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CrossStateTransition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CombinedTransition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void BlobbyTransition.postRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CrossStateTransition.postRenderSecondState(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          Notification that the transition is has just rendered the second state is the cross transition.
 void VerticalSplitTransition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void Transition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          Render the transition before the existing state rendering
 void SelectTransition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void RotateTransition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void HorizontalSplitTransition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void EmptyTransition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CrossStateTransition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CombinedTransition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void BlobbyTransition.preRender(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CrossStateTransition.preRenderFirstState(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          Notification that the transition is about to render the first state is the cross transition.
 void CrossStateTransition.preRenderSecondState(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          Notification that the transition is about to render the second state is the cross transition.
 void VerticalSplitTransition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)
 void Transition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)
          Update the transition.
 void SelectTransition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)
 void RotateTransition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)
 void HorizontalSplitTransition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)
 void EmptyTransition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)
 void CrossStateTransition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)
 void CombinedTransition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)
 void BlobbyTransition.update(StateBasedGame game, GameContainer container, int delta)

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.svg

Subclasses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.svg
 class ParsingException
          Exception indicating a failure to parse XML, giving element information

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.svg that throw SlickException
static Diagram InkscapeLoader.load( in, boolean offset)
          Load a SVG document into a diagram
static Diagram InkscapeLoader.load(java.lang.String ref)
          Load a SVG document into a diagram
static Diagram InkscapeLoader.load(java.lang.String ref, boolean offset)
          Load a SVG document into a diagram

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.tests

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.tests that throw SlickException
 void UnicodeFontTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void TrueTypeFontPerformanceTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void TransparentColorTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void TransformTest2.init(GameContainer container)
 void TransformTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void TileMapTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void TexturePaintTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void TestBox.init(GameContainer c)
 void SpriteSheetFontTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void SoundURLTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void SoundTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void SoundPositionTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void SlickCallableTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ShapeTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ScalableTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void SavedStateTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void PureFontTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void PolygonTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void PedigreeTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ParticleTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void PackedSheetTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void NavMeshTest.init(GameContainer container)
          Initialise resources and the map data
 void MusicListenerTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void MorphShapeTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void MorphSVGTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void LineRenderTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void LameTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void KeyRepeatTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void IsoTiledTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void InputTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void InputProviderTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void InkscapeTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ImageTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ImageReadTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ImageOutTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ImageMemTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ImageGraphicsTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ImageCornerTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ImageBufferTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ImageBufferEndianTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void GraphicsTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void GradientTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void GradientImageTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void GeomUtilTileTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void GeomUtilTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void GeomTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void GeomAccuracyTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void GUITest.init(GameContainer container)
 void FontTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void FontPerformanceTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void FlashTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void DuplicateEmitterTest.init(GameContainer container)
          load ressources (the particle system) and create our duplicate emitters and place them nicely on the screen
 void DoubleClickTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void DistanceFieldTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void DeferredLoadingTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void CurveTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void CopyAreaAlphaTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void ClipTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void CanvasSizeTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void CanvasContainerTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void CachedRenderTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void BigSpriteSheetTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void BigImageTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void AntiAliasTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void AnimationTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void AlphaMapTest.init(GameContainer container)
 void TransitionTest.initStatesList(GameContainer container)
static void UnicodeFontTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Entry point to our simple test
 void TexturePaintTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void TestBox.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void SlickCallableTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void ScalableTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void PolygonTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void NavMeshTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
          Render the game - in this case render the map and diagnostic data
 void MusicListenerTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void MorphShapeTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void MorphSVGTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void LineRenderTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void LameTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void IsoTiledTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void InkscapeTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void ImageGraphicsTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void ImageBufferEndianTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void GraphicsTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void GeomUtilTileTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void GeomUtilTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void DuplicateEmitterTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void DoubleClickTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void DistanceFieldTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CurveTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CopyAreaAlphaTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void ClipTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CanvasSizeTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void CachedRenderTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void AntiAliasTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void AlphaMapTest.render(GameContainer container, Graphics g)
 void UnicodeFontTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void TrueTypeFontPerformanceTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void TexturePaintTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void TestBox.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void SpriteSheetFontTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void ScalableTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void SavedStateTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void PureFontTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void PolygonTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void NavMeshTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
          Update data map etc
 void MusicListenerTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void MorphShapeTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void MorphSVGTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void LineRenderTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void LameTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void IsoTiledTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void InkscapeTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void ImageOutTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void ImageCornerTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void ImageBufferEndianTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void GeomUtilTileTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void GeomUtilTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void FontTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void FontPerformanceTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void DuplicateEmitterTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void DoubleClickTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void DistanceFieldTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void DeferredLoadingTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void CurveTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void CopyAreaAlphaTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void ClipTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void CanvasSizeTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void CachedRenderTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void BigSpriteSheetTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void BigImageTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void AntiAliasTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)
 void AlphaMapTest.update(GameContainer container, int delta)

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.tests.states

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.tests.states that throw SlickException
 void TestState3.init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)
 void TestState2.init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)
 void TestState1.init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game)

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.tests.xml

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.tests.xml that throw SlickException
static void XMLTest.main(java.lang.String[] argv)
          Simple test for the XML parsing API

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.tiled

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.tiled that throw SlickException
Layer(TiledMap map, org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Create a new layer based on the XML definition
TiledMap.GroupObject(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Create a new group based on the XML definition
TiledMap.ObjectGroup(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Create a new group based on the XML definition
TiledMap( in)
          Load a tile map from an arbitary input stream
TiledMap( in, java.lang.String tileSetsLocation)
          Load a tile map from an arbitary input stream
TiledMap(java.lang.String ref)
          Create a new tile map based on a given TMX file
TiledMap(java.lang.String ref, boolean loadTileSets)
          Create a new tile map based on a given TMX file
TiledMap(java.lang.String ref, java.lang.String tileSetsLocation)
          Create a new tile map based on a given TMX file
TileSet(TiledMap map, org.w3c.dom.Element element, boolean loadImage)
          Create a tile set based on an XML definition

Uses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.util.xml

Subclasses of SlickException in org.newdawn.slick.util.xml
 class SlickXMLException
          An exception to describe failures in XML.

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.util.xml that throw SlickException
 XMLElement XMLParser.parse(java.lang.String ref)
          Parse the XML document located by the slick resource loader using the reference given.

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