Packages that use Vector2f | |
org.newdawn.slick | |
org.newdawn.slick.fills | Fill effects used to colour and mogrify shapes during rendering |
org.newdawn.slick.geom | Simple geometric wrappers that can be used for rendering and collision. |
org.newdawn.slick.svg | Demo/Test SVG area. |
Uses of Vector2f in org.newdawn.slick |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick that return Vector2f | |
Vector2f |
ShapeFill.getOffsetAt(Shape shape,
float x,
float y)
Get the offset for a vertex at a given location based on it's shape |
Uses of Vector2f in org.newdawn.slick.fills |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.fills that return Vector2f | |
Vector2f |
Get the position of the end control point |
Vector2f |
GradientFill.getOffsetAt(Shape shape,
float x,
float y)
Vector2f |
Get the position of the start control point |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.fills with parameters of type Vector2f | |
void |
GradientFill.setEnd(Vector2f end)
Set the end control point's position |
void |
GradientFill.setStart(Vector2f start)
Set the start control point's position |
Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.fills with parameters of type Vector2f | |
GradientFill(Vector2f start,
Color startCol,
Vector2f end,
Color endCol,
boolean local)
Create a gradient fill |
Uses of Vector2f in org.newdawn.slick.geom |
Fields in org.newdawn.slick.geom declared as Vector2f | |
Vector2f |
The position of the intersection |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.geom that return Vector2f | |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.add(double theta)
Adjust this vector by a given angle |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.add(Vector2f v)
Add a vector to this vector |
Vector2f |
Return a copy of this vector |
Vector2f |
TexCoordGenerator.getCoordFor(float x,
float y)
Get the texture coordinate for a given render position |
Vector2f |
Get the end point of the line |
Vector2f |
Get the top-left location of this shape. |
Vector2f |
The normal of the vector |
Vector2f |
A vector perpendicular to this vector. |
Vector2f |
Get the start point of the line |
Vector2f |
Line.intersect(Line other)
Intersect this line with another |
Vector2f |
Line.intersect(Line other,
boolean limit)
Intersect this line with another |
Vector2f |
Negate this vector |
Vector2f |
Negate this vector without creating a new copy |
Vector2f |
Normalise the vector |
Vector2f |
Curve.pointAt(float t)
Get the point at a particular location on the curve |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.scale(float a)
Scale this vector by a value |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.set(float[] pt)
Set the values in this vector |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.set(float x,
float y)
Set the values in this vector |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.sub(double theta)
Adjust this vector by a given angle |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.sub(Vector2f v)
Subtract a vector from this vector |
Vector2f |
Transform.transform(Vector2f pt)
Transform the vector2f based on the matrix defined in this transform |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.geom with parameters of type Vector2f | |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.add(Vector2f v)
Add a vector to this vector |
boolean |
MannTriangulator.PointBag.contains(Vector2f point)
Check if the point provided was contained |
float |
Vector2f.distance(Vector2f other)
Get the distance from this point to another |
float |
Line.distance(Vector2f point)
Get the shortest distance from a point to this line |
float |
Vector2f.distanceSquared(Vector2f other)
Get the distance from this point to another, squared. |
float |
Line.distanceSquared(Vector2f point)
Get the shortest distance squared from a point to this line |
boolean |
MannTriangulator.PointBag.doesIntersectSegment(Vector2f v1,
Vector2f v2)
Check if the points in this bag form a path intersecting with the specified path |
float |
Vector2f.dot(Vector2f other)
Dot this vector against another |
void |
Line.getClosestPoint(Vector2f point,
Vector2f result)
Get the closest point on the line to a given point |
boolean |
Line.intersect(Line other,
boolean limit,
Vector2f result)
Intersect this line with another |
boolean |
Line.on(Vector2f point)
Check if the given point is on the line |
void |
Vector2f.projectOntoUnit(Vector2f b,
Vector2f result)
Project this vector onto another |
void |
Vector2f.set(Vector2f other)
Set the value of this vector |
void |
Line.set(Vector2f start,
Vector2f end)
Configure the line |
void |
Shape.setLocation(Vector2f loc)
Set the top-left location of this shape |
Vector2f |
Vector2f.sub(Vector2f v)
Subtract a vector from this vector |
Vector2f |
Transform.transform(Vector2f pt)
Transform the vector2f based on the matrix defined in this transform |
Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.geom with parameters of type Vector2f | |
Curve(Vector2f p1,
Vector2f c1,
Vector2f c2,
Vector2f p2)
Create a new curve with the default segments (20) |
Curve(Vector2f p1,
Vector2f c1,
Vector2f c2,
Vector2f p2,
int segments)
Create a new curve |
Line(Vector2f start,
Vector2f end)
Create a new line based on two points |
Vector2f(Vector2f other)
Create a new vector based on another |
Uses of Vector2f in org.newdawn.slick.svg |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.svg that return Vector2f | |
Vector2f |
RadialGradientFill.getCoordFor(float x,
float y)
Vector2f |
LinearGradientFill.getCoordFor(float x,
float y)