Package org.newdawn.slick.state.transition

Interface Summary
Transition A transition between two game states

Class Summary
BlobbyTransition A transition that causes the previous state to rotate and scale down into the new state.
CombinedTransition A transition thats built of a set of other transitions which are chained together to build the overall effect.
CrossStateTransition A transition that will combine two states into one effect.
EmptyTransition A transition that has no effect and instantly finishes.
FadeInTransition A transition to fade in from a given colour
FadeOutTransition A transition to fade out to a given colour
HorizontalSplitTransition Horitzonal split transition that causes the previous state to split horizontally revealing the new state underneath.
RotateTransition A transition that causes the previous state to rotate and scale down into the new state.
SelectTransition A transition that moves to the next as though it was selected by some background menu.
VerticalSplitTransition Vertical split transition that causes the previous state to split vertically revealing the new state underneath.

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