Uses of Class

Packages that use Image
org.newdawn.slick.geom Simple geometric wrappers that can be used for rendering and collision. 
org.newdawn.slick.gui Some extremely simple GUI elements which should be used where a game does not require a full GUI 
org.newdawn.slick.imageout Supports saving of slick images to various file types. 
org.newdawn.slick.particles The particle engine maintains a set of small sprites being controlled by emitters to give some special effect. 
org.newdawn.slick.particles.effects This package should contain stock effects for simple particle systems. 
org.newdawn.slick.svg Demo/Test SVG area. 
org.newdawn.slick.tiled Contains utilities for working with the TilED ( utility for creating tiled maps. 
org.newdawn.slick.util Utilities to support the library. 

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick

Subclasses of Image in org.newdawn.slick
 class BigImage
          An image implementation that handles loaded images that are larger than the maximum texture size supported by the card.
 class SpriteSheet
          A sheet of sprites that can be drawn individually

Fields in org.newdawn.slick declared as Image
protected static Image Image.inUse
          The sprite sheet currently in use

Methods in org.newdawn.slick that return Image
 Image Image.copy()
          Get a copy of this image.
 Image BigImage.copy()
          Not supported in BigImage
 Image Animation.getCurrentFrame()
          Get the image associated with the current animation frame
 Image Image.getFlippedCopy(boolean flipHorizontal, boolean flipVertical)
          Get a copy image flipped on potentially two axis
 Image BigImage.getFlippedCopy(boolean flipHorizontal, boolean flipVertical)
 Image PackedSpriteSheet.getFullImage()
          Get the full image contaning all the sprites/sections
 Image ImageBuffer.getImage()
          Get an image generated based on this buffer
 Image ImageBuffer.getImage(int filter)
          Get an image generated based on this buffer
 Image Animation.getImage(int index)
          Get the image assocaited with a given frame index
 Image Image.getScaledCopy(float scale)
          Get a scaled copy of this image with a uniform scale
 Image BigImage.getScaledCopy(float scale)
 Image Image.getScaledCopy(int width, int height)
          Get a scaled copy of this image
 Image BigImage.getScaledCopy(int width, int height)
 Image SpriteSheet.getSprite(int x, int y)
          Get a sprite at a particular cell on the sprite sheet
 Image XMLPackedSheet.getSprite(java.lang.String name)
          Get a sprite by it's given name
 Image PackedSpriteSheet.getSprite(java.lang.String name)
          Get a single named sprite from the sheet
 Image SpriteSheet.getSubImage(int x, int y)
          Get the sub image cached in this sprite sheet
 Image BigImage.getSubImage(int offsetX, int offsetY)
          Get a sub-image that builds up this image.
 Image Image.getSubImage(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Get a sub-part of this image.
 Image BigImage.getSubImage(int x, int y, int width, int height)
 Image BigImage.getTile(int x, int y)
          Get a sub tile of this big image.

Methods in org.newdawn.slick with parameters of type Image
 void Animation.addFrame(Image frame, int duration)
          Add animation frame to the animation
 void Graphics.copyArea(Image target, int x, int y)
          Copy an area of the rendered screen into an image.
 void Graphics.drawImage(Image image, float x, float y)
          Draw an image to the screen
 void Graphics.drawImage(Image image, float x, float y, Color col)
          Draw an image to the screen
 void Graphics.drawImage(Image image, float x, float y, float srcx, float srcy, float srcx2, float srcy2)
          Draw a section of an image at a particular location and scale on the screen
 void Graphics.drawImage(Image image, float x, float y, float srcx, float srcy, float srcx2, float srcy2, Color col)
          Draw a section of an image at a particular location and scale on the screen
 void Graphics.drawImage(Image image, float x, float y, float x2, float y2, float srcx, float srcy, float srcx2, float srcy2)
          Draw a section of an image at a particular location and scale on the screen
 void Graphics.drawImage(Image image, float x, float y, float x2, float y2, float srcx, float srcy, float srcx2, float srcy2, Color col)
          Draw a section of an image at a particular location and scale on the screen
 void Graphics.fillRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, Image pattern, float offX, float offY)
          Tile a rectangle with a pattern specifing the offset from the top corner that one tile should match
abstract  void GameContainer.setMouseCursor(Image image, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor based on the contents of the image.
 void AppletGameContainer.Container.setMouseCursor(Image image, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
          Set the mouse cursor based on the contents of the image.
 void AppGameContainer.setMouseCursor(Image image, int hotSpotX, int hotSpotY)
 void Graphics.texture(Shape shape, Image image)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture
 void Graphics.texture(Shape shape, Image image, boolean fit)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture
 void Graphics.texture(Shape shape, Image image, float scaleX, float scaleY)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture
 void Graphics.texture(Shape shape, Image image, float scaleX, float scaleY, boolean fit)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture
 void Graphics.texture(Shape shape, Image image, float scaleX, float scaleY, ShapeFill fill)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture
 void Graphics.texture(Shape shape, Image image, ShapeFill fill)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick with parameters of type Image
AngelCodeFont(java.lang.String fntFile, Image image)
          Create a new font based on a font definition from AngelCode's tool and the font image generated from the tool.
AngelCodeFont(java.lang.String fntFile, Image image, boolean caching)
          Create a new font based on a font definition from AngelCode's tool and the font image generated from the tool.
Animation(Image[] frames, int duration)
          Create a new animation from a set of images
Animation(Image[] frames, int[] durations)
          Create a new animation from a set of images
Animation(Image[] frames, int[] durations, boolean autoUpdate)
          Create a new animation from a set of images
Animation(Image[] frames, int duration, boolean autoUpdate)
          Create a new animation from a set of images
Image(Image other)
          Create a texture as a copy of another
SpriteSheet(Image image, int tw, int th)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location
SpriteSheet(Image image, int tw, int th, int spacing)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location
SpriteSheet(Image image, int tw, int th, int spacing, int margin)
          Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.font

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.font that return Image
 Image GlyphPage.getImage()
          Returns the backing texture for this page.
 Image Glyph.getImage()
          The image to use for this glyph.

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.font with parameters of type Image
 void Glyph.setImage(Image image)
          Set the image that has been generated for this glyph

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.geom

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.geom with parameters of type Image
static void ShapeRenderer.texture(Shape shape, Image image)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture.
static void ShapeRenderer.texture(Shape shape, Image image, float scaleX, float scaleY)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture.
static void ShapeRenderer.texture(Shape shape, Image image, float scaleX, float scaleY, ShapeFill fill)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture.
static void ShapeRenderer.texture(Shape shape, Image image, TexCoordGenerator gen)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture.
static void ShapeRenderer.textureFit(Shape shape, Image image)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture.
static void ShapeRenderer.textureFit(Shape shape, Image image, float scaleX, float scaleY)
          Draw the the given shape filled in with a texture.

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.gui

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.gui with parameters of type Image
 void MouseOverArea.setMouseDownImage(Image image)
          Set the image to be used when the mouse is down the area
 void MouseOverArea.setMouseOverImage(Image image)
          Set the image to be used when the mouse is over the area
 void MouseOverArea.setNormalImage(Image image)
          Set the normal image used on the image in the default state

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.gui with parameters of type Image
MouseOverArea(GUIContext container, Image image, int x, int y)
          Create a new mouse over area
MouseOverArea(GUIContext container, Image image, int x, int y, ComponentListener listener)
          Create a new mouse over area
MouseOverArea(GUIContext container, Image image, int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Create a new mouse over area
MouseOverArea(GUIContext container, Image image, int x, int y, int width, int height, ComponentListener listener)
          Create a new mouse over area
MouseOverArea(GUIContext container, Image image, Shape shape)
          Create a new mouse over area

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.imageout

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.imageout with parameters of type Image
 void TGAWriter.saveImage(Image image, java.lang.String format, output, boolean writeAlpha)
 void ImageWriter.saveImage(Image image, java.lang.String format, out, boolean writeAlpha)
          Save an Image to an given location
 void ImageIOWriter.saveImage(Image image, java.lang.String format, output, boolean hasAlpha)
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String dest)
          Write an image out to a file on the local file system.
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String dest, boolean writeAlpha)
          Write an image out to a file on the local file system.
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String format, out)
          Write an image out to a specified output stream
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String format, out, boolean writeAlpha)
          Write an image out to a specified output stream
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String dest)
          Write an image out to a file on the local file system.
static void ImageOut.write(Image image, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String dest, boolean writeAlpha)
          Write an image out to a file on the local file system.

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.opengl.pbuffer

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.opengl.pbuffer with parameters of type Image
static Graphics GraphicsFactory.getGraphicsForImage(Image image)
          Get a graphics context for a particular image
static void GraphicsFactory.releaseGraphicsForImage(Image image)
          Release any graphics context that is assocaited with the given image

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.opengl.pbuffer with parameters of type Image
FBOGraphics(Image image)
          Create a new graphics context around an FBO
PBufferGraphics(Image image)
          Create a new graphics context around a pbuffer
PBufferUniqueGraphics(Image image)
          Create a new graphics context around a pbuffer

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.particles

Fields in org.newdawn.slick.particles declared as Image
protected  Image Particle.image
          The image for this particle

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.particles that return Image
 Image ParticleEmitter.getImage()
          Get the image to draw for each particle
 Image ConfigurableEmitter.getImage()

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.particles with parameters of type Image
 void Particle.setImage(Image image)
          Set the image used to render this particle

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.particles with parameters of type Image
ParticleSystem(Image defaultSprite)
          Create a new particle system
ParticleSystem(Image defaultSprite, int maxParticles)
          Create a new particle system

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.particles.effects

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.particles.effects that return Image
 Image FireEmitter.getImage()

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.svg

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.svg that return Image
 Image Gradient.getImage()
          Get the image generated for this gradient

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.tiled

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.tiled that return Image
 Image TiledMap.getTileImage(int x, int y, int layerIndex)
          Gets the Image used to draw the tile at the given x and y coordinates.

Methods in org.newdawn.slick.tiled with parameters of type Image
 void TileSet.setTileSetImage(Image image)
          Set the image to use for this sprite sheet image to use for this tileset

Uses of Image in org.newdawn.slick.util

Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.util with parameters of type Image
LocatedImage(Image image, int x, int y)
          Create a new located image

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