Packages that use Color | |
org.newdawn.slick | |
org.newdawn.slick.fills | Fill effects used to colour and mogrify shapes during rendering |
org.newdawn.slick.gui | Some extremely simple GUI elements which should be used where a game does not require a full GUI |
org.newdawn.slick.particles | The particle engine maintains a set of small sprites being controlled by emitters to give some special effect. |
org.newdawn.slick.state.transition | |
org.newdawn.slick.svg | Demo/Test SVG area. |
org.newdawn.slick.util | Utilities to support the library. |
Uses of Color in org.newdawn.slick |
Fields in org.newdawn.slick declared as Color | |
static Color |
The fixed colour black |
static Color |
The fixed colour blue |
protected Color[] |
The colours for each of the corners |
static Color |
The fixed colour cyan |
static Color |
The fixed colour dark gray |
static Color |
The fixed colour gray |
static Color |
The fixed colour green |
static Color |
The fixed colour light gray |
static Color |
The fixed colour dark magenta |
static Color |
The fixed colour dark orange |
static Color |
The fixed colour dark pink |
static Color |
The fixed colour red |
static Color |
The fixed color transparent |
static Color |
The fixed colour white |
static Color |
The fixed colour yellow |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick that return Color | |
Color |
Color.addToCopy(Color c)
Add another colour to this one |
Color |
Make a brighter instance of this colour |
Color |
Color.brighter(float scale)
Make a brighter instance of this colour |
Color |
ShapeFill.colorAt(Shape shape,
float x,
float y)
Get the colour that should be applied at the specified location |
Color |
Make a darker instance of this colour |
Color |
Color.darker(float scale)
Make a darker instance of this colour |
static Color |
Color.decode(java.lang.String nm)
Decode a number in a string and process it as a colour reference. |
Color |
Get the current graphics context background color |
Color |
Get the color in use by this graphics context |
Color |
Image.getColor(int x,
int y)
Get the colour of a pixel at a specified location in this image |
Color |
BigImage.getColor(int x,
int y)
Not supported in BigImage |
Color |
Graphics.getPixel(int x,
int y)
Get the colour of a single pixel in this graphics context |
Color |
Color.multiply(Color c)
Multiply this color by another |
Color |
Color.scaleCopy(float value)
Scale the components of the colour by the given value |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick with parameters of type Color | |
void |
Color.add(Color c)
Add another colour to this one |
Color |
Color.addToCopy(Color c)
Add another colour to this one |
void |
Image.draw(float x,
float y,
Color filter)
Draw this image at the specified location |
void |
BigImage.draw(float x,
float y,
Color filter)
void |
Animation.draw(float x,
float y,
Color filter)
Draw the animation at a specific location |
void |
Image.draw(float x,
float y,
float scale,
Color filter)
Draw the image with a given scale |
void |
BigImage.draw(float x,
float y,
float scale,
Color filter)
void |
Image.draw(float x,
float y,
float width,
float height,
Color filter)
Draw this image at a specified location and size |
void |
BigImage.draw(float x,
float y,
float width,
float height,
Color filter)
void |
Animation.draw(float x,
float y,
float width,
float height,
Color col)
Draw the animation |
void |
Image.draw(float x,
float y,
float x2,
float y2,
float srcx,
float srcy,
float srcx2,
float srcy2,
Color filter)
Draw a section of this image at a particular location and scale on the screen |
void |
BigImage.draw(float x,
float y,
float x2,
float y2,
float srcx,
float srcy,
float srcx2,
float srcy2,
Color filter)
void |
Graphics.drawAnimation(Animation anim,
float x,
float y,
Color col)
Draw an animation to this graphics context |
UnicodeFont.DisplayList |
UnicodeFont.drawDisplayList(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color color,
int startIndex,
int endIndex)
Identical to UnicodeFont.drawString(float, float, String, Color, int, int) but returns a
DisplayList which provides access to the width and height of the text drawn. |
void |
Image.drawEmbedded(float x,
float y,
float x2,
float y2,
float srcx,
float srcy,
float srcx2,
float srcy2,
Color filter)
Draw a section of this image at a particular location and scale on the screen, while this is image is "in use", i.e. |
void |
BigImage.drawEmbedded(float x,
float y,
float x2,
float y2,
float srcx,
float srcy,
float srcx2,
float srcy2,
Color filter)
void |
Image.drawFlash(float x,
float y,
float width,
float height,
Color col)
Draw this image at a specified location and size as a silohette |
void |
BigImage.drawFlash(float x,
float y,
float width,
float height,
Color col)
void |
Animation.drawFlash(float x,
float y,
float width,
float height,
Color col)
Draw the animation |
void |
Graphics.drawGradientLine(float x1,
float y1,
Color Color1,
float x2,
float y2,
Color Color2)
Draw a line with a gradient between the two points. |
void |
Graphics.drawImage(Image image,
float x,
float y,
Color col)
Draw an image to the screen |
void |
Graphics.drawImage(Image image,
float x,
float y,
float srcx,
float srcy,
float srcx2,
float srcy2,
Color col)
Draw a section of an image at a particular location and scale on the screen |
void |
Graphics.drawImage(Image image,
float x,
float y,
float x2,
float y2,
float srcx,
float srcy,
float srcx2,
float srcy2,
Color col)
Draw a section of an image at a particular location and scale on the screen |
void |
Image.drawSheared(float x,
float y,
float hshear,
float vshear,
Color filter)
Draw this image at a specified location and size |
void |
UnicodeFont.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color col)
void |
TrueTypeFont.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String whatchars,
Color color)
Draw a string |
void |
SpriteSheetFont.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color col)
void |
Font.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color col)
Draw a string to the screen |
void |
AngelCodeFont.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color col)
void |
UnicodeFont.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color color,
int startIndex,
int endIndex)
void |
TrueTypeFont.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String whatchars,
Color color,
int startIndex,
int endIndex)
void |
SpriteSheetFont.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color col,
int startIndex,
int endIndex)
void |
Font.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color col,
int startIndex,
int endIndex)
Draw part of a string to the screen. |
void |
AngelCodeFont.drawString(float x,
float y,
java.lang.String text,
Color col,
int startIndex,
int endIndex)
Color |
Color.multiply(Color c)
Multiply this color by another |
void |
Graphics.setBackground(Color color)
Set the background colour of the graphics context. |
void |
Graphics.setColor(Color color)
Set the color to use when rendering to this context |
Constructors in org.newdawn.slick with parameters of type Color | |
Color(Color color)
Copy constructor |
Image(java.lang.String ref,
boolean flipped,
int f,
Color transparent)
Create an image based on a file at the specified location |
Image(java.lang.String ref,
Color trans)
Create an image based on a file at the specified location |
PackedSpriteSheet(java.lang.String def,
Color trans)
Create a new packed sprite sheet based on a ImagePacker definition file |
PackedSpriteSheet(java.lang.String def,
int filter,
Color trans)
Create a new packed sprite sheet based on a ImagePacker definition file |
SpriteSheet(java.lang.String ref,
int tw,
int th,
Color col)
Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location |
SpriteSheet(java.lang.String ref,
int tw,
int th,
Color col,
int spacing)
Create a new sprite sheet based on a image location |
Uses of Color in org.newdawn.slick.fills |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.fills that return Color | |
Color |
GradientFill.colorAt(float x,
float y)
Get the colour that should be applied at the specified location |
Color |
GradientFill.colorAt(Shape shape,
float x,
float y)
Get the colour that should be applied at the specified location |
Color |
Get the colour at the end control point |
Color |
Get the colour at the start control point |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.fills with parameters of type Color | |
void |
GradientFill.setEndColor(Color color)
Set the colour to apply at the end control's position |
void |
GradientFill.setStartColor(Color color)
Set the colour to apply at the start control's position |
Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.fills with parameters of type Color | |
GradientFill(float sx,
float sy,
Color startCol,
float ex,
float ey,
Color endCol)
Create a gradient fill |
GradientFill(float sx,
float sy,
Color startCol,
float ex,
float ey,
Color endCol,
boolean local)
Create a gradient fill |
GradientFill(Vector2f start,
Color startCol,
Vector2f end,
Color endCol,
boolean local)
Create a gradient fill |
Uses of Color in org.newdawn.slick.gui |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.gui with parameters of type Color | |
void |
TextField.setBackgroundColor(Color color)
Set the background color. |
void |
TextField.setBorderColor(Color color)
Set the border color. |
void |
MouseOverArea.setMouseDownColor(Color color)
Set the color to be used when the mouse is down the area |
void |
MouseOverArea.setMouseOverColor(Color color)
Set the color to be used when the mouse is over the area |
void |
MouseOverArea.setNormalColor(Color color)
Set the normal color used on the image in the default state |
void |
TextField.setTextColor(Color color)
Set the text color. |
Uses of Color in org.newdawn.slick.particles |
Fields in org.newdawn.slick.particles declared as Color | |
Color |
The color at this position |
protected Color |
The colour of the particle |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.particles that return Color | |
Color |
Get the color of this particle |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.particles with parameters of type Color | |
void |
ConfigurableEmitter.addColorPoint(float pos,
Color col)
Add a point in the colour cycle |
static ParticleSystem |
ParticleIO.loadConfiguredSystem(java.io.InputStream ref,
Color mask)
Load a set of configured emitters into a single system |
static ParticleSystem |
ParticleIO.loadConfiguredSystem(java.io.InputStream ref,
ConfigurableEmitterFactory factory,
ParticleSystem system,
Color mask)
Load a set of configured emitters into a single system |
static ParticleSystem |
ParticleIO.loadConfiguredSystem(java.lang.String ref,
Color mask)
Load a set of configured emitters into a single system |
Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.particles with parameters of type Color | |
ConfigurableEmitter.ColorRecord(float pos,
Color col)
Create a new record |
ParticleSystem(java.lang.String defaultSpriteRef,
int maxParticles,
Color mask)
Create a new particle system |
Uses of Color in org.newdawn.slick.state.transition |
Constructors in org.newdawn.slick.state.transition with parameters of type Color | |
BlobbyTransition(Color background)
Create a new transition |
FadeInTransition(Color color)
Create a new fade in transition |
FadeInTransition(Color color,
int fadeTime)
Create a new fade in transition |
FadeOutTransition(Color color)
Create a new fade out transition |
FadeOutTransition(Color color,
int fadeTime)
Create a new fade out transition |
HorizontalSplitTransition(Color background)
Create a new transition |
RotateTransition(Color background)
Create a new transition |
SelectTransition(Color background)
Create a new transition |
VerticalSplitTransition(Color background)
Create a new transition |
Uses of Color in org.newdawn.slick.svg |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.svg that return Color | |
Color |
NonGeometricData.getAsColor(java.lang.String attribute)
Get an attribute value converted to a color. |
Color |
Gradient.getColorAt(float p)
Get the intepolated colour at the given location on the gradient |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.svg with parameters of type Color | |
void |
Gradient.addStep(float location,
Color c)
Add a colour step/stop to the gradient |
Uses of Color in org.newdawn.slick.util |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.util that return Color | |
Color |
Get the colour filter being applied |
Methods in org.newdawn.slick.util with parameters of type Color | |
static void |
FontUtils.drawCenter(Font font,
java.lang.String s,
int x,
int y,
int width,
Color color)
Draw text center justified |
static void |
FontUtils.drawRight(Font font,
java.lang.String s,
int x,
int y,
int width,
Color color)
Draw text right justified |
static int |
FontUtils.drawString(Font font,
java.lang.String s,
int alignment,
int x,
int y,
int width,
Color color)
Draw a string |
void |
LocatedImage.setColor(Color c)
Set the colour filter to apply to the image |