Uses of Class

Packages that use BasicGame
org.newdawn.slick.tests Tests for the facilities provided by the library. 

Uses of BasicGame in org.newdawn.slick.tests

Subclasses of BasicGame in org.newdawn.slick.tests
 class AlphaMapTest
          A test to demonstrate world clipping as opposed to screen clipping
 class AnimationTest
          A test for basic animation rendering
 class AntiAliasTest
          Test to view the effects of antialiasing on cirles
 class BigImageTest
          A test for basic image rendering
 class BigSpriteSheetTest
          A test for big images used as sprites sheets
 class CachedRenderTest
          A simple test to show performance gains from cache operations in situtations where rendering is static and heavy
 class CanvasContainerTest
          A test for the AWT Canvas container
 class CanvasSizeTest
          Quick test to confirm canvas size is reported correctly
 class ClipTest
          A test to demonstrate world clipping as opposed to screen clipping
 class CopyAreaAlphaTest
          A test to demonstrate world clipping as opposed to screen clipping
 class CurveTest
          A rudimentry test of loading SVG from inkscape
 class DeferredLoadingTest
          A test for deferred loading.
 class DistanceFieldTest
          A test to demonstrate distance fields generated by Hiero being applied to scaled fonts
 class DoubleClickTest
          The double click testing
 class DuplicateEmitterTest
          A test for duplicating a ConfigurableEmitter several times
 class FlashTest
          A test for image flashes
 class FontPerformanceTest
          A test of the font rendering capabilities
 class FontTest
          A test of the font rendering capabilities
 class GeomAccuracyTest
          A simple graphics test for the context allowing vector based graphics
 class GeomTest
          A geomertry test
 class GeomUtilTest
          A test to try shape cutting
 class GeomUtilTileTest
          A test to try shape building from multiple tiles
 class GradientImageTest
          A test for applying gradients to images
 class GradientTest
          A test for gradient fill on polygons
 class GraphicsTest
          A simple graphics test for the context allowing vector based graphics
 class GUITest
          A test for the GUI components available in Slick.
 class ImageBufferEndianTest
          Quick test for endianess in image buffers
 class ImageBufferTest
          A test for image buffer maniupulation rendering
 class ImageCornerTest
          A test for basic image rendering
 class ImageGraphicsTest
          A test for rendering to an image
 class ImageMemTest
          A test for basic image rendering
 class ImageOutTest
          A test for saving images
 class ImageReadTest
          A test for reading image data from a teture
 class ImageTest
          A test for basic image rendering
 class InkscapeTest
          A rudimentry test of loading SVG from inkscape
 class InputProviderTest
          A test for abstract input via InputProvider
 class InputTest
          A test for input
 class IsoTiledTest
          Simple test for isometric map rendering
 class KeyRepeatTest
          A test for basic image rendering
 class LameTest
          Lame test
 class LineRenderTest
          A test for the line rendering capability
 class MorphShapeTest
          A test to try shape morphing
 class MorphSVGTest
          A test to try shape morphing
 class MusicListenerTest
          A test for music listeners which notify you when the music has eneded
 class NavMeshTest
          A test to show nav-mesh generation on tile based maps.
 class PackedSheetTest
          A test for packed sprite sheets
 class ParticleTest
          A particle test using built in effects
 class PedigreeTest
          A test for loading editing particle systems
 class PolygonTest
          A test for polygon collision
 class PureFontTest
          A test of the font rendering capabilities
 class SavedStateTest
          A test of the the local storage utilities
 class ScalableTest
          A test for a scalable game
 class ShapeTest
          A geomertry test
 class SlickCallableTest
          A test for slick callables giving the chance to perform normal GL in mid Slick render
 class SoundPositionTest
          A test for the sound system (positioning) of the library
 class SoundTest
          A test for the sound system of the library
 class SoundURLTest
          A test for the sound system of the library
 class SpriteSheetFontTest
          Tests the SpriteSheetFont.
 class TestBox
          A test box containing a bunch of tests that can be used for quickly sanity checking tests.
 class TexturePaintTest
          Test to emulate texture paint
 class TileMapTest
          A test of the tile map system based around the TilED ( tool
 class TransformTest
          A test for transforming the graphics context
 class TransformTest2
          A test for transforming the graphics context
 class TransparentColorTest
          A test for transparent colour specification
 class TrueTypeFontPerformanceTest
          A test of the font rendering capabilities
 class UnicodeFontTest
          A simple test of the unicode font functionality provided

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